Thursday, November 11, 2010

I'm at school and it kind of sucks because it is EARLY in the morning and I don't want to be here.. AT all. Not in a good mood due to what happened yesterday. If you want to know what happened yesterday read here: ______ So yeah, after all that happened, I WANTED to go to bed early last night. Well, I stayed at my boyfriends room in residence and his roommate (who I have known since high school) had friends over last night (who I also know from high school) and because I wanted to go to bed early, it was kind of impossible because those people he had over were in my boyfriends bedroom. It was 11:30 or so and I decided whether they were there or not.. I was going to bed. I got comfortable but then I realized and remembered.. I needed to take a shower cause I knew I wouldn't have time to do so in the morning. Well.. I ended out going to bed at 12:30 and woke up at seven. Tonight, I'm assuming I'm going to be going to bed late because I might have to do a photo shoot at 10-11pm. GOOD thing is.. I don't have a class tomorrow until 11am. Thank goodness or I probably would have skipped that class tomorrow. It's drawing anyways. Then Friday after school, my boyfriend and I are going to go to my house and my dad will pick us up and we will be going home to my house for the weekend and having a family dinner. Mmm. I'm tired as frig. And in this "Conceptual Process" class we have to draw "Empty Spaces." Yeah.. tell me about it. Not easy. Meaning I have to think conceptually.. Blaaaah. I have my History of Media class next at 11:00 and I'm not looking forward to it. I just don't want to go to any of these classes and just go and sleeeeeeep :(

1 comment:

  1. Ewww. Well look on the bright side, you're going to get the assignment done and over with! *nod*
